Social Distancing in an RV – Chapter 5

Monday, April 6Day 22 at the Farm

This morning we made tomato cages from concrete wire reinforcement. I wasn’t watching what I was doing and sliced my leg on the sharp wire. Needed a pretty big bandage – but at least I didn’t need to break out the suture kit.

Mac loaned Liam an electric guitar to practice on. It’s so neat to see him make progress on it so quickly. I’m really glad he didn’t have an amp to loan him!

Augusta and I went to spray the garden after dinner. There was a snake that gave us a bit of a scare as we didn’t see it until Augusta stepped on it. I chopped its head off with a hoe. Chris came and claimed it – turned out it was another copperhead. Will have to be more careful walking around in the dark.

Tuesday, April 7 – Day 23 at the Farm

Chris fried copperhead for breakfast again. Liam had some, the rest of us passed. It rained today so Tricia and the kids worked on homeschool and made orzo salad and oatmeal raisin cookies. I made progress on the Bush Hog gearbox and finished our taxes after lunch. I also canceled our campground reservations for our Alaska trip 🙁

More microgreens for lunch.

Laura did a grocery run today to the Costco and the Walmart. She said pretty much everybody in Costco was wearing masks and following the separation rules, Walmart a bit less so – but still not many people and she felt pretty safe with a mask and gloves. Pork chops, green beans, and Orzo for dinner. (Best chops we’ve ever had – thanks Chip). Cookies for dessert – thanks kids! Tricia had a Zoom video chat with her girlfriends so we brought her back a plate.

Wednesday, April 8Day 24 at the Farm

Today, after feeding animals, everybody except me went to the studio to clear brush from the fenceline. I stayed and finished up the bush hog. Glad to have this project finished!

Thursday, April 9 – Day 25 at the Farm

Pasta and movie night at the Spencer’s house again (#4). I got to pick the movie and brought my favorite – “Alone in the Wilderness”. Afterward Laura took the kids to the barn to candle eggs from the nest of a broody chicken who has been sitting on them for a couple of weeks.

Friday April 10 – Day 26 at the Farm

Fish out of the pond has become our Friday staple. Bluegill, cornbread, and pasta salad. You can’t beat that.

Oh yea, and some microgreens on top.

Saturday, April 11 – Day 27 at the Farm

Today we spent time just hanging out at the bunkhouse fishing, working furs, and making sushi!

I caught a catfish while in the kayak. We went for a ride together as he pulled me around – but I never landed it.

Sunday, April 12 – Day 28 at the Farm

Easter Sunday. A busy day started by doing a grocery pickup so we could get some Easter supplies. The kids painted farm eggs that we blew out and had for breakfast. Tricia hid candy around the bunkhouse for the kids to hunt, then Augusta and Chris joined us in making and having Easter dinner.

Our cousin set up a Zoom Easter gathering, which was really nice. One of the things I realized as we were each taking turns discussing how the stay at home order has affected us – was that some of the things we’ve been doing for the last 10 months such as homeschooling, and being together 24/7 with your family – are now mainstream.

There was another severe weather threat for this evening. We packed the truck in the event we needed to leave the RV for the Spencer’s house and kept an eye on the radar as the storms moved through. Luckily for us, the tornado warnings were all to the south.

2 Comments on “Social Distancing in an RV – Chapter 5”

  1. Just caught up on your past month of activity. MI is slowly warming up. During quaratine we’ve been kept busy with various projects around house as well as some scrapbooking and lots of cooking for me and driving truck for Fentons and farm projects for Stan.. Started peas,dill, chard, cilantro and spinach indoors. Uncle Stan says we’ll plant potatoes and cold weather crops next week, full moon tonight and this weekend to be quite cold for this time of year…good
    idea to stay in AL and 75 degrees! Although you will miss asparagus season…we can’t wait to try all our favorite recipes…plus just grill it every night! Stan working on painting the MF also finished seeding large hay
    field, now praying for gentle rain to help get started. During quarantine I have grown my own sourdough starter from flour and water and we’ve enjoyed sourdough bread, pancakes, biscuits and my latest English muffins! Enjoy watching many birds visit the feeders in preparation for their nesting to come. Trapper neighbor got a ground hog on our hill …Megan had Calvin kill a snake in their yard. We didn’t eat or skin for hides either one though!! Lol
    Miss you but feel like you are next door with this blog. Take care, hugs!