Farewell, Alabama!

Today was a strange and sad day as we said good-bye/see you later to all of our friends on Spencer Farm and Alabama. This shouldn’t have been that difficult, however, when the time arrived, both Jason and I found ourselves at a loss for words. We worked hard 5 or more hours every week day (the kids worked a couple of hours each day themselves) and honestly enjoyed having something purposeful to do in these strange times. Our family bonded with the baby goats, Daisy the puppy (who was looking less like a puppy in the past couple of weeks), the chickens, the cats, Winnie (the dog) and we even grew fond of the skittish cows. Above all, we shared a stressful time with some straight-up wonderful people for two months. In all honesty, we could have easily seen ourselves staying for the summer…that’s how much we enjoyed being with the Spencers, Chris, and Augusta at Spencer Farm.

Before we left, we each made a list of 10+ things we’d miss about Spencer Farm, then combined it to a larger list. There were many commonalities among our lists, and it appears that highlights involved the people, the animals, and the food. I think it goes to show that the things we hold dear from this experience aren’t really things at all, but a culture of coming together to learn from each other, work, play, and appreciate good food. We printed the list for our new friends and will share it below. Some of it might not make sense, but I think it gives a good glimpse into what we will most remember. Maybe you can guess which one of us wrote certain items, knowing our personalities?! 🙂

  1. 8 a.m. feeding times
  2. Art with Augusta
  3. Baby bunnies
  4. Baby goats and their floppy ears
  1. Being in lock-down mode with people we can call friends
  2. Biking back to the bunkhouse by the stars (and flashlights)
  3. Birthday cinnamon rolls
  4. Canoeing the Cahaba together
  1. Chains clanking against the cattle gates
  2. Chip, Veigh Kaye, and Mac’s musical talents
  3. Chip’s sense of humor
  4. Chorizo, pork chops, and pork belly
  5. Comradery and laughter during stressful times
  6. Cutting and gathering fresh flowers
  7. Daisy, Daisy, Daisy
  8. Dinners in the garden
  9. Driving the Ranger
  10. Eating microgreens on everything!
  1. Filming on the farm
  2. Fishing in the pond
  1. FRESH eggs
  2. FRESH veggies
  3. Friday night fish frys at the bunkhouse (with our fresh caught fish)
  4. Game nights with Chris and Augusta in the bunkhouse
  5. Goat milk
  6. Having purposeful work
  7. Leda’s garden
  1. Laura and VK’s delicious cooking with farm fresh products
  2. Laura’s studio and the wonderful smells that greet you as you enter
  3. Learning survival skills with Chris
  4. Midnite and her affections when you pet her
  5. New learning experiences (milking goats, growing microgreens, soil sampling, horse care, soap-making, etc.)
  6. Operating the hydrostatic tractor
  7. Picking mulberries from the tractor lift
  8. Potluck Tuesdays
  9. Raccoon hat-making
  1. Rosy, Posy, and Delphi (the adolescent chickens)
  2. Searching for the elusive dewberries
  3. Soap-making with Laura
  4. Spraying honey locusts with Augusta (with a cup of Dalgona coffee)
  5. The cacophony of the pea fowl, guinea fowl, and baby goats
  6. The cows and their personalities
  7. The purple martins singing
  8. The smell of WD-40 in the morning
  9. The view of the pond from the RV windows
  10. Thursday night Pasta and Movie nights
  11. Trapping runs with Chris
  12. VK’s sourdough bread
  13. Winnie walking us “home” after dinner
  14. Y’all!!!

These strange times have been stressful and devastating on many accounts. We are certainly thankful for a safe place to shelter, truly hospitable people, and being able make more memories together. We didn’t say goodbye today, we said “Until we meet again, friends!”

2 Comments on “Farewell, Alabama!”

  1. Worried when you had to stay in ALABAMA. Now worried that you are leaving Alabama.

    The moral of the story G’ma will worry anyway. As AMBER once said “Don’t worry g’ma. Oh I forgot it’s your job to worry is”n it !
    Thanks for the update ! Love being with you in spirit on your travels Looking forward to seeing you again. Keep safe !
    Love g/ma h.